korea university   -   Seoul, October 14-17, 2019

The 27th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2019) was held at Korea University, Seoul, Korea, on October 14-17, 2019. Pacific Graphics is a flagship conference of the Asia Graphics Association. Pacific Graphics provides a premium forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners in the Pacific Rim and around the world to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer graphics and related areas.

This year Pacific Graphics received 222 submissions, which were reviewed by a Program Committee of 108 international experts and 154 external reviewers. Each submission underwent a rigorous review process. The Program Co-Chairs assigned each paper to a primary reviewer and a secondary reviewer selected from the Program Committee. The primary invited external reviewers so that each paper received at least three reviews. The decision of the first review cycle was made after the authors’ rebuttal and extensive discussions among the reviewers. Each of the accepted full papers underwent a second review cycle to ensure that the necessary revisions indicated in the reviews were carried out.

Out of 222 submissions, 74 full papers (acceptance rate: 33.3%) and 9 short papers were selected for oral presentation at the conference. 69 of the full papers are published in the special issue of Computer Graphics Forum and 5 of them will be published in the regular issue of Computer Graphics Forum after major revision. All the accepted full and short papers are published electronically through the EG Digital Library and presented in a two-track format at the conference. The conference program also includes presentations of four recent articles from regular issues of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and another four articles from regular issues of Computer Graphics Forum. They are presented together with regular papers. The conference also features three keynote speeches by Markus Gross, Alla Sheffer, and Masahiko Inami.

The work-in-progress and poster sessions are an integral part of the conference program, which provides an opportunity for authors to display late-breaking technical achievements that are not yet ready for publication or added on previous publication. While conference attendees receive the abstracts and supplemental material for the work-in-progress and poster program, this material does not appear in any archival libraries since work-in-progress and posters are not formal publications.

We wish to thank the members of the international program committee and the external reviewers for doing thorough reviews despite short review and discussion periods. We are also very grateful to Stefanie Behnke for her help with the submission and review management system, Michael Wimmer for providing the paper sorting script, and Hwangpil Park for his help with conference scheduling and administration. Finally, we would like to thank the authors for their support of this venue and congratulate them for the high quality of the papers compiled into the proceedings.

Conference Chairs
JungHyun Han,

  Korea University

Carol O'Sullivan,

  Trinity College Dublin

Michiel van de Panne,

  University of British Columbia

Program chairs
Jehee Lee,

  Seoul National University

Christian Theobalt,

  Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Gordon Wetzstein,

  Stanford University


Abstract submission                                                            5 June, 2019
Regular/Short paper submission                                  7 June, 2019
Reviews to authors                                                              12 July, 2019
Rebuttal due                                                                              16 July, 2019
Decision notification                                                            24 July, 2019
Revision for 2nd review due                                            15 August, 2019
Final acceptance notification                                        22 August, 2019
Camera ready                                                                            27 August, 2019
Conference                                                                                 14-17 October, 2019

For Authors

Paper Submission

Original unpublished papers are invited in all areas of computer graphics and its applications. The topics include (but are not limited to) modeling, rendering, animation, and imaging, as well as visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems and applications. Any interesting new ideas related to computer graphics and applications are welcome.

Paper Publication

The conference proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2019 will be published as an issue of the Eurographics journal, Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), in print and online. Regular (full) papers will be presented in oral sessions and appear in the journal issue. A few submissions with strong potentials but not accepted as regular papers will be recommended for a second review cycle of CGF after major revisions. Short papers will be accepted but will be published electronically through the EG digital library. Extended versions of selected, high-quality, short papers will be invited to ACM Computers in Entertainment.

  Submission System here.

  LaTeX-Template is available here.

Work-in-Progress Papers and Posters

For the first time in Pacific Graphics, the Pacific Graphics 2019 welcomes work-in-progress and poster submissions from all areas of computer graphics, such as modeling, rendering, animation, imaging, visualization, human-computer interaction, and graphics systems. Authors are encouraged to submit work-in-progress and practical applications to demonstrate a novel and applicable ideas in all aspects of computer graphics. Authors of accepted work-in-progress papers will have an approximately fifteen-minute oral presentation of their work at the conference. Accepted posters will be displayed during the conference and also will form the focus of a poster session in conjunction with one of the social events. Authors of accepted posters are expected to present their posters during the poster session to discuss their work and answer questions. More details will follow when the conference program is finalized.

Submission details

Authors can make an electronic submission through the Submission and Review Management (https://srmv2.eg.org/COMFy/Conference/PG_2019P). Authors are asked to indicate their preferences whether the submission needs to be considered as a work-in-progress paper or a poster. When both options are selected, the work will first be reviewed as a work-in-progress paper, and then evaluated as a poster submission. Work-in-progress papers and posters submission should strive not to exceed two pages and must be formatted according to the Pacific Graphics Author’s guideline. Authors may accompany a preliminary version of the actual poster if they choose to be considered as a poster submission. The review process will be double-blind. Please remove all personal data (e.g., names, affiliation, etc.) from your submission.


The detailed program schedule is available here : [Program Schedule]

Keynote speaker

Markus Gross

The Science to Create the Magic


For more than a decade, DisneyResearch|Studios has been pushing the forefront of scientific and technological innovation to advance entertainment products, experiences and shows. Our research covers a broad spectrum of different fields including graphics, vision, augmented and virtual reality, machine learning and AI, as well as interactive technologies. Our innovations are experienced by hundreds of millions of audiences and customers across the world. In this talk I will give and overview of our core research programs including digital humans, story technology, interactive content creation, video processing, and audience understanding. Furthermore, I will share my insights into the fundamental differences between academic and corporate research and highlight the challenges of transferring technology into products.

Short bio:

Markus Gross is a Professor of Computer Science at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), head of the Computer Graphics Laboratory, Vice President Research, Walt Disney Studios and the director of DisneyResearch|Studios. He joined the ETH Computer Science faculty in 1994. His research interests include physically based modeling, computer animation, immersive displays, and video technology. Before joining Disney, Gross was director of the Institute of Computational Sciences at ETH. He received a master of science in electrical and computer engineering and a PhD in computer graphics and image analysis, both from Saarland University in Germany in 1986 and 1989. Gross serves on the boards of numerous international research institutes, societies, and governmental organizations. He received the Technical Achievement Award from EUROGRAPHICS in 2010 and the Swiss ICT Champions Award in 2011. He is a fellow of the ACM and of the EUROGRAPHICS Association and a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina as well as the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In 2013 he received the Konrad Zuse Medal of GI, the Karl Heinz Beckurts price. In 2013 and 2019 he received a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He cofounded Cyfex AG, Novodex AG, LiberoVision AG, Dybuster AG, Gimalon AG, Kapanu AG, Perceptiko AG, Propulsion Academy AG, Arbrea Labs AG, Nanocorp AG and Animatico AG.

Alla Sheffer

Perception Driven Computational Shape Design


Humans have developed multiple ways to communicate about both tangible and abstract shape properties. Artists and designers can quickly and effectively convey complex shapes to a broad audience using traditional mediums such as paper, while both experts and the general public can analyze and agree on intangible shape properties such as style or aesthetics. While perception research provides some clues as to the mental processes humans employ when performing these tasks, concrete and quantifiable explanations of these actions are still lacking.

Short bio:

Alla Sheffer is a professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, where she investigates algorithms for shape modeling and analysis in the context of computer graphics applications. She is best known for her research on mesh parameterization, hexahedral meshing, computational garment design, and perception driven shape modeling. Dr. Sheffer is the recipient of the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award’18. Her research has been supported by faculty awards from IBM, Google and Adobe, Discovery, Discovery Accelerator and I2I NSERC grants, a Killam research fellowship, and an Audi Production Award. Dr. Sheffer has served as an Associate Editor of all three major computer graphics journals (ACM Transactions on Graphics, IEEE Transactions on Visualization Computer Graphics, and Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum). She served as a program co-chair for Eurographics’18, Symposium on Geometry Processing’06, and Shape Modeling’13. She was a general co-chair for the Pacific Graphics’18 and Geometric Modeling and Processing’19 conferences. Dr. Sheffer had co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications, including 42 papers in ACM Transactions on Graphics, the topmost competitive CG venue; 22 of these were published in the last five years. She holds six recent patents on methods for sketch analysis and hexahedral mesh generation.

Masahiko Inami

Virtual Cyborg: Beyond Human Limits


The social revolutions have accompanied innovation of the view of the body. If we regard the information revolution as establishment of a virtual society against the real society, it is necessary to design a new view of body "JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg)", which can adapt freely to the change of social structure, and establish a new view of the body. In this talk, we discuss how we understand of basic knowledge about the body editing for construction of JIZAI body (Virtual Cyborg) basedon VR, AR and Robotics. Superhuman Sports: Applying Human Augmentation to Physical Exercise. This talk will also present Superhuman Sports, a form of "Human-Computer Integration” to overcome somatic and spatial limitation of humanity by merging technology with the body. In Japan, official home of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics , we hope to create a future of sports where everyone, strong or weak, young or old, non-disabled or disabled, can play and enjoy playing without being disadvantaged.

Short bio:

Masahiko Inami, Ph.D. Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo Dr. Masahiko Inami took up his current position as professor at the University of Tokyo after working at the University of Electro-Communications and Keio University. His interests include “JIZAI body editing technology,” the Augmented Human, and entertainment engineering. He has received several awards, including TIME Magazine’s “Coolest Invention of the Year” award and the Young Scientist Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). He is also the co-representative of the Superhuman Sports Society and a director of the VR Consortium.

Conference Leadership

Conference Chairs

JungHyun Han       Korea University
Carol O'Sullivan       Trinity College Dublin
Michiel van de Panne       University of British Columbia

Program Chairs

Jehee Lee           Seoul National University
Christian Theobalt           MPI Informatik
Gordon Wetzstein           Stanford University

Work-in-progress Chairs

Sung-Eui Yoon                  KAIST
Min-H-Kim                  KAIST

Poster Chairs

Kang Hoon Lee                 Kwangwoon University
Youngmin Kim                 Seoul National University

Local Organization Chairs

Dongho Kim           Soongsil University
Heewon Kye            Hansung University
Jinho Park           Soongsil University
Joon-Kyung Seong           Korea University
Min Gyu Choi           Kwangwoon University

Local Organization Committee

Seunghyun Yoon(Dongguk University), Myunggeol Choi (The Catholic University of Korea), Youngho Lee(Mokpo University), Jieun Lee(Hansung University), Jinmo Kim(Hansung University), Jaein Hwang(KIST)

Program Committee

Tunc Aydin(Disney Research Zurich , Switzerland), Christopher Batty (University of Waterloo), Derek Bradley(Disney Research Zurich , Switzerland), Marie-Paule Cani(Ecole Polytechnique), Sunghyun Cho(DGIST), Myung Geol Choi(The Catholic University of Korea), Oliver Deussen(University. of Constance), Piotr Didyk(University of Lugano), Yoshinori Dobashi(Hokkaido University, Japan), George Drettakis(INRIA Sophia Antipolis), Elmar Eisemann(TU Delft), Kenny Erleben(University of Copenhagen), Hongbo Fu(City University of Hong Kong, China), Abhijeet Ghosh(Imperial College London , UK), Ioannis Gkioulekas(CMU), Diego Gutierrez(University of Zaragoza), Wolfgang Heidrich(KAUST), Jessica Hodgins(CMU), Daniel Holden(Ubisoft), Shimin Hu(Tsinghua University), Hui Huang(Shenzhen University), Matthias Hullin(University of Bonn), Takeo Igarashi(University of Tokyo) , Alec Jacobson(University of Toronto), Wenzel Jakob(EPFL), Stefan Jeschke(NVIDIA), Achuta Kadambi(UCLA), Oliver van Kaick(Carleton University), Tom Kelly(Leed University), Min H. Kim(KAIST), Vladimir G. Kim(Adobe), Young J. Kim(Ewha Womans University), Theodore Kim(Pixar), Young Min Kim(KIST), Leif Kobbelt(RWTH Aachen University), Taku Komura(Edinburgh University), Jaroslav Křivánek(Charles University of Prague), Taesoo Kwon(Hanyang University), Seungyong Lee(Pohang University of Science and Technology), Yoonsang Lee(Hanyang University), Hendrik Lensch(University of Tuebingen), Hao Li(University of Southern California), Wen-Chieh Lin(National Chiao Tung University), Libin Liu(DeepMotion), Kwan-Liu Ma(University of California at Davis, USA), Markus Magnor(TU Braunschweig), Rafal Mantiuk(Cambridge University), Belen Masia(University of Zaragoza), Dominik Michels(KAUST), Karol Myszkowski(MPI for Informatics), Rahul Narain(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi), Matthias Niessner(TU Munich), Junyong Noh(KAIST), Jan Novak(NVIDIA), Matthew O'Toole(CMU), Manuel M. Oliveira(UFRGS), Miguel Otaduy(URJC Madrid), Fabio Pellacini(Sapienza University of Rome), Nico Pietroni(UTS), Roi Poranne(University of Haifa), Hong Qin(Stony Brook University), Christian Richardt(University of Bath), Tobias Ritschel(UCL), Holly Rushmeier(Yale University), Manolis Savva(Simon Fraser University), Justin Solomon(MIT), Marc Stamminger(University of Erlangen), Markus Steinberger(TU Graz), Hao Su(UC San Diego), Shinjiro Sueda(Texas A&M), Marco Tarini(University Milano / CNR), Holger Theisel(University of Magdeburg), James Tompkin(Brown University), Xin Tong(Microsoft Research Asia), Nobuyuki Umetani(University of Tokyo), Amir Vaxman(Utrecht University), Jue Wang(Megvii), Rui Wang(University of Massachusetts), Wenping Wang(The University of Hong Kong), Jungdam Won(Seoul National University), Tien-Tsin Wong(The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Hongzhi Wu(Zhejiang University), Chris Wyman(NVIDIA Research), Shihong Xia(Chinese Academy of Sciences), Kai Xu(National University of Defense Technology), Kun Xu(Tsinghua University), Ruigang Yang(University of Kentucky , USA), Sai-Kit Yeung(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Sung-Eui Yoon(KAIST), Yonghao Yue(Columbia University), Hao Zhang(Simon Fraser University), Shuang Zhao(University of California, Irvine), Kun Zhou(Zhejiang University), Qingnan Zhou(Adobe Research), Bo Zhu(Dartmouth College), Jun-Yan Zhu(MIT), Michael Zollhofer(Stanford University), Changqing Zou(UMIACS), Vastimil Havran(CTU Prague), Philipp Slusallek(Saarland University), Jean Michel Dischler(Univ. Strasbourg), Andreas Kolb(Uni Siegen), Sungkil Lee(Sungkyunkwan University), Henry Kang(University of Missouri at St. Louis), Eftychios Sifakis(UW-Madison), Mridul Aanjaneya(Rutgers), Paul Kry(McGill Univ.), Fanglue Zhang(Victoria University, Wellington), Weipeng Xu(MPI for Informatics), Martin Cadik(Brno University of Technology), Gerard Pons-Moll(MPI for Informatics), Reinhard Klein(University of Bonn), Feng Xu(Tsinghua University), Matthias Zwicker(University of Maryland, College Park), Gurprit Singh(MPI for Informatics), Inkwon Lee(Yonsei university), Min Gyu Choi(Kwangwoon University), Sangil Park(Sejong University), Peng Song(EPFL), Yue Dong(Microsoft), Kang Hoon Lee(Kwangwoon University), Bing-Yu Chen(National Taiwan University), He Wang(University of Leeds), Shuang Zhao(UC Irvine), Bochang Moon(GIST),



Hana Square, Korea University

(145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Korea)

*The Conference banquet will take place on Oct. 16th at Sudang Faculty House.

Seoul Metropolitan Subway Map


There is no decent hotel within the walking distance to Korea University. However, since the conference venue is situated in the most convenient location with great public transportation network, any hotel along the subway stations will allow conference guests to access to the conference venue with ease. For hotel booking, you may check out the agencies like Hotels.com, Booking.com.

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